Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Investment Challenge Team

The TVA Investment Challenge provides students with real world experience managing a stock portfolio. TVA is a group of students that manages roughly $400,000 for the Tennessee Valley Authority. While advised by a faculty member, the students choose the portfolio and place the stock trades themselves. Traditionally the group meets weekly to review their portfolio of stocks and decide which stocks to hold, sell, and buy. In addition, the group occasionally has the opportunity to travel to financial hubs, such as New York and Atlanta, to meet with fund managers. Admission to the group is competitive and students must submit an application and interview with TVA before joining. The application may be downloaded here and then forwarded to the TVA faculty advisor.

Students interested in applying for membership to the TVA Investment Challenge Team should complete an application and return it along with a cover letter and a resume to the Department of Finance and Economics. The faculty advisor and current team members will review applications and interview prospective candidates.

TVA Application