Mike Breazeale PhD
- Professor of Marketing; Marketing Doctoral Coordinator
Office: (662) 325-8261
324 C McCool Hall
Visit Website for Mike Breazeale
Researcher of consumer-brand relationships, retail atmospherics, and collector communities; lover of movies, and all around nice guy
- Ph D, Marketing, Mississippi State University, 2010
- BBA, Accounting, Millsaps College, 1986
Research interests:
Consumer-brand relationships, retail atmospherics, consumers’ affective responses to self-service technology, consumption community dynamics and processes, online consumer socialization, experiential consumption, branding applications in non-traditional domains
AMA Scholarly Insights (highlights JPP&M piece)
- Eating a Fast-Food Sandwich Might Actually Help You Lose Weight. AMA Scholarly Insights. 2017
- Consumer-Brand Relationships: Theory and Practice. Ed. Fournier, Breazeale, and Fetscherin. London, UK: Routledge. 2012
Book, Chapter
- Branding Terror: Building Notoriety in Violent Extremist Organizations. Strong Brands, Strong Relationships. Ed. Fournier, Breazeale, and Avery. London, UK: Routledge. 2015
- Contemplating the Futures of Branding. Strong Brands, Strong Relationships. Ed. Fournier, Breazeale, and Avery. London, UK: Routledge. 2015
- Strengthening Our Understanding of the Importance of Brands to Consumers, Firms, and Society at Large. Strong Brands, Strong Relationships. Ed. Fournier, Breazeale, and Avery. London, UK: Routledge. 2015
- Brand Relationships and Violent Extremist Organizations. The Dark Side of CRM. Ed. Nguyen, Simkin, and Canhoto. London, UK: Routledge. 174-195. 2015
- Public Luxury Representatives. Ed. Reinecke, Berghaus, and Muller-Stewens. The Management of Luxury. 2014
- This Store Just Gets Me! Customer Chemistry and Its Role in Identity Construction. Consumer-Brand Relationships: Insights for Theory and Practice. London: Routledge. 223-243. 2012
- The Brand Avoidance Relationship: Exploring Consumer Motivations. Ed. Fournier, Breazeale, and Fetscherin. London, UK: Routledge. 57-73. 2012
- The Why, How, and So What of Consumers’ Relationships with their Brands. Ed. Fournier, Breazeale, and Fetscherin. London, UK: Routledge. 395-414. 2012
- Where Do We Go from Here?. Ed. Fournier, Breazeale, and Fetscherin. London, UK: Routledge. 1-12. 2012
Conference Proceeding
- Once upon a Product: Storytelling with Online Product Descriptions. Academy of Marketing Science. 2022
- The Role of Affective Commitment in Driving Environmental Efforts: A Cross-Cultural Study. Proceedings of the 2014 Global Marketing Conference -Bridging Asia and the World: Globalization of Marketing & Management Theory and Practice . Pages 66-84. 2014
- I Love that Store! Toward a Theory of Customer Chemistry. 2013 American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings: Innovating and Collaborating in a Global Marketplace. Volume 24, Pages 438-439. 2013
- Customer Outrage and Delight in a Services Setting: Understanding Key Aspects of the Relationship. Society for Marketing Advances. 2007
Extension Publication
- eBaby4u: Improving infant feed among African American teen moms through social media–Designing and implementing eBaby4u. Extension Service Intelligent Community Institute. 2015
Journal Article
- Fueling and Cooling Firestorms: How Online Community Members Enable and Disable Online Negative e-WOM. Journal of Product and Brand Management. Volume 32, Issue 2, Pages 286-304. 2023
- Beware the Predatory Shopper: Exploring Social Vigilantism and Proactivity in Self- Presentation Adaptation. Journal of Consumer Marketing. Volume 39, Issue 7, Pages 744-755. 2022
- Exploring jealousy and envy in communal relationship revenge-seeking. Journal of Consumer Marketing. Volume 37, Issue 6, Pages 687-699. 2020
- Tell It Like It Is: The Effects of Differing Responses to Negative Online Reviews. Psychology & Marketing. Volume 35, Issue 12, Pages 891-901. 2018
- Timeliness, Transparaency, and Trust: A Framework for Managing Online Customer Complaints. Business Horizons. 2018
- I'll Be Watching You: Shoppers' Reactions to Perceptions of Being Watched By Employees. Journal of Retailing. Volume 2017, Issue 93, Pages 336-349. 2017
- Pressing the Buy Button: Online Shopping Orientation and Its Role in Online Clothing Purchase. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 163-178. 2016
- Social Media to Enhance Sexual Health Education for Youth: FactNotFiction’s (Re)Design and Launch. Case Studies in Strategic Communication. Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 68-81. 2015
- Social Media to Enhance Sexual Health Education for Youth: FactNotFiction’s (Re)Design and Launch. Case Studies in Strategic Communication. 2015
- Social Media to Enhance Sexual Health Education for Youth: FactNotFiction’s (Re)Design and Launch. Case Studies in Strategic Communication. Volume 4, Pages 88-112. 2015
- A Conceptual Model of Service Brand Consumption in a Social Media Setting. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Volume 21, Issue 4, Pages 468-481. 2014
- Who Needs Delight? The Greater Impact of Value, Trust, and Satisfaction in Utilitarian, Frequent-Use Retail. Journal of Service Management. Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 101-124. 2014
- Who Needs Delight? The Greater Impact of Value, Trust, and Satisfaction in Utilitarian, Frequent-Use Retail. Journal of Service Management. Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 101-124. 2014
- Get the Picture? The Visual Servicescape and Self-Image Congruity. Journal of Business Research. Volume 66, Issue 7, Pages 839-846. 2013
- I Love That Store: Toward a Theory of Customer Chemistry. American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings. Volume 24, Pages 438-439. 2013
- Get the Picture? Visual Servicescapes and Self-Image Congruity. Journal of Business Research. Volume 66, Issue 7, Pages 839-846. 2013
- The Effects of Perceived Fairness on Customer Responses to Retailer SST Push Policies. Journal of Retailing. Volume 88, Issue 2, Pages 250-261. 2012
- The Effects of Perceived Fairness on Customer Responses to Forced SST Migration. Journal of Retailing. Volume 88, Issue 2, Pages 250-261. 2012
- Get the Picture? The Visual Servicescape and Self-Image Congruity. Journal of Business Research.
- A Retail Shopping Typology of American Teens. Journal of Business Research. Volume 64, Issue June, Pages 565-571. 2011
- Electronic Commerce Research : The First 15 Years In the Fields of Marketing Management and Information Systems . Marketing Management Journal. Volume 20 , Issue 1, Pages 105-122. 2010
- Electronic Commerce Research: The First Fifteen Years in the Fields of Marketing, Management, and Information Systems. Marketing Management Journal. Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 105-122. 2010
- Word of Mouse: An Assessment of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Research. International Journal of Market Research. Volume 51, Issue 3, Pages 297-318. 2009
Spotlight on published research
- When Your Sales Staff Needs to Back Off (Spotlight on Research). Harvard Business Review. Volume 95, Issue 3, Page 34. 2017
White Paper
- eBaby4u: Improving Infant Feed among African American Teen Moms through Social Media–Special Report on Designing and Implementing eBaby4u. Mississippi State University Extension Service Intelligent Community Institute. 2015
Keynote/Plenary Address
- "Creating a Personal Brand as a Brand Specialist." BBR Accelerator 2015, Institute for Brands and Brand Relationships, Boston, MA. 2015
- "Social Media and Censorship." Zacharias Leadership Conference, MSU Freshman Forum, Mississippi State University. 2016
- "Creating a Personal Brand as an Artist." Senior Fine Arts Seminar, MSU College of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences. 2015
- "Creating a Personal Brand as a Leader." Staff Leadership Development Program, MSU Office of HR, MSU. 2015
- "Creating a Personal Brand as a Manager." MSU MBA Springboard Week, MSU Graduate Studies in Business, MSU College of Business. 2015
- "Who Do THEY Think You Are? Creating a Strong Personal Brand." Mississippi 4-H Business Leadership Conference, Mississippi 4-H, MSU. 2015
- "Creating a Personal Brand as an Entrepreneur." Incoming Engineering Freshman Orientation, Bagley College of Engineering, Bagley College of Engineering. 2015
- "Creating a Personal Brand in Fashion." High School Fashion Camp, MSU College of Family Science, MSU College of Family Science. 2015
- "Branding Yourself as an Entrepreneur." MSU Entrepreneurship Club, MSU Entrepreneurship Center, MSU College of Business. 2015
- "Creating a Personal Brand in Fashion." Fashion Design and Merchandising, HS 4701, College of Arts and Sciences. 2014
- "Creating a Personal Brand as a Manager." MBA Student Orientation, MSU Graduate Studies in Business, MSU College of Business. 2014
- "Creating a Personal Brand as an Academic." Incoming Doctoral Student Orientation, MSU Graduate Studies in Business, MSU College of Business. 2014
Oral Presentation
- "Retailer Location-Based Brand Equity, A Choice Model Approach." Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, Society for Marketing Advances, Charlotte, NC. 2022
- "Retailer Location-Based Brand Equity, Conceptualization of a Missing Part of Brand Equity." Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, Society for Marketing Advances, Orlando, FL. 2021
- "Mind the (Funding) Gap: YR2 of Successfully Mobilizing Service-Learning to Sustain E-health Outreach to African American Teen Moms." National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA. 2016
- "Gazing into the Shadows: Contemplating the Research Agenda for the Dark Side of Brands and Branding." 19th AMS World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science, Paris, France. 2016
- "A Day in the Life of a COB Student at MSU." 2016 Academic Insights, MSU College of Business, Mississippi State University. 2016
- "Everybody Knows I Love that Brand! Toward an Understanding of Brand Advocacy." Consumer-Brand Relationships 2012, , Boston, MA. 2012
- "Falling in Love: Customer Chemistry and Identity Construction." 1st International Colloquium on the Consumer-Brand Relationship, , Winter Park, FL. 2010
- "Two Years in the Journey of Female Information Entrepreneur." Association of Independent Information Professionals 2013 Conference, Association of Independent Information Professionals, Denver, CO. 2013
- "Let it Be: Exploring the Impact of Negative Online Reviews." Society for Marketing Advances, Society for Marketing Advances, Louisville, KY. 2017
- "Branding Destruction: Applying a Marketing Framework to the Notoriety of Violent Extremist Organizations." 19th AMS World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science, Paris, France. 2016
- "Countering Negative Online Reviews: The Impact of Response and Responder." Academy of Marketing Science 2016 Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Orlando, FL. 2016
- "Conceptualising Service Brand Consumption in a Social Media Setting." European Conference on Social Media Consumption, European Conference on Social Media Consumption, Brighton, UK. 2014
- "The Role of Affective Commitment in Driving Environmental Efforts: A Cross-Cultural Study." GAMMA Annual Conference, Global Association of Marketing and Management Associations, Singapore. 2014
- "I Love that Store! Toward a Theory of Customer Chemistry." Summer Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association, Boston, MA. 2013
- "A Conceptual Model of Service Brand Consumption in a Social Media Setting." Frontiers in Service 2013, American Marketing Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 2013
- "Branding Destruction: Applying a Marketing Framework to the Notoriety of Violent Extremist Organizations." Consumer-Brand Relationships 2013, Institute for Brands and Brand Relationships, Boston, MA. 2013
- "I Love That Store: Toward a Theory of Customer Chemistry." AMA Winter Educators Conference 2013, American Marketing Association, Las Vegas, NV. 2013
- "Everybody Knows I Love that Brand! Toward an Understanding of Brand Advocacy." Consumer-Brand Relationships 2012, CBR, Boston, MA. 2012
- "When Consumers Become Infected: The Impact of Inconsistent Viral Messages on Brand Relationships." Consumer-Brand Relationships 2012, CBR, Boston, MA. 2012
- "Fairer Still: Exploring Price Fairness Perceptions for Goods and Services." Marketing Management Association Spring Conference 2011, MMA, Chicago, IL. 2011
- "Understanding Negative Consumer Responses: An Exploration into Consumer Brand Avoidance Motivations." International Colloquium on the Consumer-Brand Relationship, Rollins College, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL. 2010
- "Falling in Love: Customer Chemistry and Identity Construction ." First International Colloquium on Consumer-Brand Relationships, CBR, Winter Park, FL. 2010
- "The Brand Avoidance Relationship: An Exploration of Consumer Motives ." First International Colloquium on Consumer-Brand Relationships, CBR, Winter Park, FL. 2010
- "Get the Picture? The Visual Servicescape and Self-Image Congruity." Twelfth Annual Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Symposium, Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA. 2009
- "Get the Picture? The Visual Servicescape and Self-Image Congruity ." 12th Annual Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar , Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA. 2009
- "Consuming Fear: Exploring Collector Motivations at a Horror Convention." Third Annual Southeast Marketing Symposium, Mississippi State University, Tuscaloosa, AL. 2009
- "Do It Yourself! An Examination of the Perceived Fairness of Traditional Payment Method Sanctions." 2nd Annual Southeastern Marketing Symposium, Southeastern Marketing, Mississippi State, MS. 2008
- "Cool Kids and Geeks: A Retail Shopping Typology of American Teens." Eleventh Annual Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar, Society for Marketing Advances, St. Pertersburg. 2008
- "Do It Yourself! An Examination of the Perceived Fairness of Traditional Payment Method Sanctions." Second Annual Southeast Marketing Symposium, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. 2008
- "Cool Kids and Geeks: A Retail Shopping Typology of American Teens." Society for Marketing Advances 11th Annual Retailing Symposium, Society for Marketing Advances, St. Petersburg, FL. 2008
- "I Love That Store! Creating Customer Chemistry." Society for Marketing Advances 10th Annual Retailing Symposium, Society for Marketing Advances, . 2007
- "I Love That Store! Creating Customer Chemistry." Society for Marketing Advances 10th Annual Retailing Symposium, Society for Marketing advances, San Antonio, TX. 2007