MSU Student Organizations can be found on the Colvard Student Union page.
Student Organizations
Accounting Advocates Program
The Accounting Advocates Program is a student-recruiting and peer-advising group within the Adkerson School of Accountancy. The Advocates are involved with on-campus and off-campus recruiting events and other functions hosted by the Adkerson School of Accountancy for prospective students, alumni, employers, and guests.
The organization is primarily student-led with a supporting staff advisor. Qualified applicants must be full-time undergraduate or graduate students with a major in the Adkerson School of Accountancy with an overall GPA of at least 3.0. Applicants must have completed ACC 2013 (Financial) and ACC 2023 (Managerial). Completed applications will be reviewed with emphasis placed on a desire to convey pride in accounting and MSU, effective oral and written communication skills, interest and involvement in campus activities, and a willingness to commit time and energy to the program. The top candidates may be invited for individual interviews.
To apply, please contact Trina Pollan for information.
American Marketing Association
The American Marketing Association (AMA) is the world's largest and most comprehensive professional society of marketers. The mission of the AMA is to urge and assist the personal and professional development of its members, and to advance the science and ethical practice of the marketing discipline. Each member of the AMA student chapter at MSU receives: nine issues (September - May) of "Marketing News"; access to the AMA on-line Job Bank; a free copy of the AMA Employment Kit; and exposure to marketing professionals in the group's regular meetings and activities.
Association of Information Technology Professionals
The purpose of the Association of Information Technology Professionals is to bring together students who are interested in information systems. During meetings, this association discusses current topics and brings in speakers from the information systems field.
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi is a national scholastic and professional society whose primary objective is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the field of accounting. The society also complements members' formal education by providing interaction among students, faculty, and professionals, and fosters lifelong growth, service and ethical conduct.
Beta Gamma Sigma
Beta Gamma Sigma is an honorary organization available only through Colleges of Business that are accredited through the International Association for Management Education. The main goal of the organization is for faculty to honor students with the highest academic achievements.
Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest honor a student of business can receive — the business equivalent of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa. Only the top 10 percent of the junior and senior class and 20 percent of the master’s students are selected for membership.
- Corporate recruiters actively seek individuals who have attained membership in Beta Gamma Sigma. Long after graduation, membership will enhance career development.
- Programs such as the BetaLink On-Line Community and the Alumni Network offer alumni opportunities to stay connected and benefit from their commitment to academic excellence.
Business Information Systems (BIS) Club
The Business Information Systems Club is a professional development organization aimed at preparing students for the dynamic challenges within the business sector. Through networking opportunities, immersive facility tours across diverse industries, and targeted skill-building initiatives, our club empowers students to cultivate professionalism within their chosen fields. The BIS Club welcomes all students who want to advance their knowledge, and grow to become their best self.
College of Business Ambassadors
The College of Business Student Ambassador program provides our business students the opportunity to become leaders through a variety of ambassador activities each year. The organization comprises some of our best and brightest business students at Mississippi State University. The student ambassadors volunteer their time to promote the College of Business and the university. They help coordinate special events, recruit prospective students, meet and greet parents, and visit with our business alumni.
The purpose of our student ambassador program is to promote the College of Business through several different avenues such as recruiting, events, and networking with alumni. The organization also serves to be the voice of the College of Business student body. As representatives of the college, our ambassadors demonstrate a thorough knowledge of our business majors, faculty, and university traditions.
Economics Club (Econ Club)
The Econ Club sponsors a number of social and academic events during each semester. These events are often centered on presentations by guest speakers from on and off campus. Our guests discuss important current economic events and issues and relate textbook economics to the real world. Topics of recent Econ Club symposiums include "The Global Economy," "Adventures South of the Border - The Mexican Economy," "Yankee Economics," "The Economics of Trick-or-Treat," and "The Uruguay Round Debate." The Econ Club is also known for the great food we serve at our social hours following the presentations. In addition to hosting our regular symposiums, the Econ Club is active in promoting the economics curriculum and major here at MSU. We are involved in designing and distributing recruiting materials and brochures.
Financial Management Association (FMA)
The student chapter of the FMA is an extremely active chapter that has received a number of awards. Chapter activities which include professional, social, and service activities, providing members with the opportunity to meet finance professionals, gaining insights into career opportunities. For more information, contact the Department of Finance & Economics at 662.325.2342.
Gamma Iota Sigma
Gamma Iota Sigma, the International Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science Collegiate Fraternity, enhances our students’ academic background by focusing on career preparation. GIS routinely hosts career fairs, student trips, and networking opportunities in the industry while also giving back to the community with various service projects. In addition, GIS advisors helps organize internship, mentorship and scholarship opportunities.
International Business Club
The purpose of the International Business Club is to keep students informed of IB Program key happenings, promote cultural diversity, fellowship, and networking with students, faculty, and business people, encourage efforts with business, foreign language, study abroad, work abroad, international internships, exchange efforts (faculty/student), help with resumes, interviewing, cover letters, as well as providing mentors and guest lecturers.
Maroon & White Supply Chain (MWSC)
The Maroon & White Supply Chain organization aims to get students more involved in their majors and help foster future professional relationships. Open to all majors, they meet every other week to host speakers, offer resume reviews and tips, and practice mock interviews and elevator pitches.
MBA Association
The MBA Association complements the mission of the program by promoting professional growth and serving as a network among alumni, faculty, and students.
MSU Undergraduate Women In Business (UWIB)
Mississippi State's Undergraduate Women in Business (UWIB) is an organization that consists of young women within the College of Business that are willing and driven to take the necessary steps to ensure that each individual has the knowledge and confidence to take on the competitive workforce within Corporate America.
NABA (National Association of Black Accountants)
NABA, Inc. is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to bridging the opportunity and wealth gap for Black business leaders in accounting, finance, business and entrepreneurship. Representing Black business leaders in these fields, NABA advances people, careers, and the mission by providing education, resources and meaningful career connections to professional and student members.
Mississippi State became affiliated with NABA in 2021. They have served on campus providing insight to big companies, internships, scholarships, and many other social events.
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Any Economics major or minor student who completes 12 credit hours of economics with at least a 3.0 GPA and has an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher is eligible for membership in Omicron Delta Epsilon, the international honor society in economics. The main objective of Omicron Delta Epsilon is to recognize students with the highest academic achievements in economics.
Ph.D. Association
The Association assists doctoral students in creating a scholarly atmosphere, bringing doctoral students closer together as a working and social body, bringing favorable recognition to the University and the College of Business and Industry, broadening the doctoral student's background by placing him/her in contact with specialists in other fields, and aiding the doctoral students through the promotion of academic and professional discussions and meetings.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), creates better workplaces where employers and employees thrive together. As the trusted authority on all things work, SHRM is the foremost expert, researcher, advocate, and thought leader on issues and innovations impacting today’s evolving workplaces. With nearly 340,000 members in 180 countries, SHRM touches the lives of more than 362 million workers and their families globally.
Mississippi State University's Management program is recognized as an Academically Aligned Program by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM. SHRM Academic Alignment Program participants are recognized as SHRM academic partners and as such, are seen as a top choice for students seeking a career in Human Resources. Students enrolled in a SHRM HR aligned program are provided with the opportunity to earn their SHRM-CP credential prior to graduating, providing them with a competitive advantage in the job market.

The 2024 Certification Application Window is NOW open!
Students can apply and remit the fee to take the SHRM-CP certification exam now until November 9, 2024, and test anytime between December 1, 2024 – February 15, 2025. Interested students can take advantage of student pricing: $149 for SHRM student members and $209 for nonmembers. Eligible students should complete the application process. Doing so provides your students ample time to create a profile and submit the application and exam fee. See the SHRM Certification Handbook for more information.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Investment Challenge Team
The TVA Investment Challenge provides students with real world experience managing a stock portfolio. TVA is a group of students that manages roughly $400,000 for the Tennessee Valley Authority. While advised by a faculty member, the students choose the portfolio and place the stock trades themselves. Traditionally the group meets weekly to review their portfolio of stocks and decide which stocks to hold, sell, and buy. In addition, the group occasionally has the opportunity to travel to financial hubs, such as New York and Atlanta, to meet with fund managers. Admission to the group is competitive and students must submit an application and interview with TVA before joining. The application may be downloaded here and then forwarded to the TVA faculty advisor.
Students interested in applying for membership to the TVA Investment Challenge Team should complete an application and return it along with a cover letter and a resume to the Department of Finance and Economics. The faculty advisor and current team members will review applications and interview prospective candidates.