Randall Campbell PhD
- Professor of Economics; Graduate Programs in Economics Coordinator
Office: (662) 325-1516
- Ph D, Economics, Louisiana State University, 1999
- MS, Economics, Louisiana State University, 1994
- BS, Industrial Mangement, Purdue University, 1989
- Using SAS for Econometrics, 5th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2020
Book, Chapter
- Medical Malpractice Litigation as a Tax on the Supply-Side of the Medical Services Market. Handbook of Regional Economics. Ed. Tomas P. Nolin. New York, New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2009
Conference Proceeding
- Does DTC Advertsing Raise the Price of Sleeping Pills? The Impact of Pharmaceutical Advertising on Price Sensitivity. Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising. Pages 219-225. 2008
- Efficient Frontier Estimation: A Maximum Entropy Approach. 2005 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Business and Economics Statistics Section. 2005
Journal Article
- Rockets and feathers in CEO compensation: A test of asymmetric pay related to stock price. Applied Economics. Volume 57, Issue 12, Pages 1-11. 2025
- Forty Years of Advances in Econometrics. Advances in Econometrics. Volume 45B, Pages 413-435. 2023
- International Housing Returns around the Financial Crisis: Disentangling Credit Supply and Demand Shocks. Journal of Real Estate Research. Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 219-253. 2022
- The effects of work hours on physical and mental health of late prime age men and women. The American Economist. Volume 64, Issue 2, Pages 216-236. 2019
- Price pass-through in US gasoline markets. Energy Economics. Volume 65, Pages 42-49. 2017
- Private information and limitations of Heckman's estimator in banking and corporate finance research. Journal of Empirical Finance. Volume 37, Pages 186-195. 2016
- The influence of individual health outcomes on individual savings behavior. The Social Science Journal. Volume 50, Pages 471-481. 2013
- Academic Success and the Transfer of Community College Credits in the Principles of Economics. American Economist. Volume 58, Issue 1, Pages 27-40. 2013
- A history of the Advances in Econometrics series. Advances in Econometrics. Volume 30, Pages 3-24. 2012
- The Hausman test, and some alternatives, with heteroskedastic data. Advances in Econometrics. Volume 29, Pages 1-32. 2012
- Evaluation of Financial Fitness for Life Program and Future Outlook in the Mississippi Delta. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 25-39. 2011
- Assessing Total Factor Productivity Growth in Sub-Saharan African Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Economics . Volume 62, Pages 357-374. 2011
- Do pharmaceutical marketing activities raise prices? Evidence from five major therapeutic classes. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 146-161. 2009
- The Transition to Market-Based Economic Education: Evaluating Program Effectiveness in Kazakhstan. Perspectives on Economic Education Research. Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 33-59. 2009
- Efficient Frontier Estimation: A Maximum Entropy Approach.. Journal of Productivity Analysis. Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 213-221. 2008
- An Evaluation of Lender Redlining in the Allocation of Unsecured Consumer Credit. Urban Studies. Volume 45, Issue 5, Pages 1243-1254. 2008
- Estimating Demand for New Products Using a Discrete Price Variable. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing. Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 115-121. 2008
- Being New-Customer Friendly: Determinants of Service Perception in Retail Banking. International Journal of Bank Marketing. Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 56-67. 2007
- Cost Estimates for Multiple Pollutants: A Maximum Entropy Approach. Energy Economics. Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 503-519. 2007
- Imposing Parameter Inequality Restrictions Using the Principle of Maximum Entropy. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. Volume 76, Pages 985-1000. 2006
- Teacher Training and Market Attitudes in Transitioning Economies. The American Economist. Volume 50, Issue 2, Pages 32-41. 2006
- A Monte Carlo Study of the Effect of Design Characteristics on the Inequality Restricted Maximum Entropy Estimator. Review of Applied Economics. Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 53-84. 2005
- Predicting multinomial choices using maximum entropy. Economics Letters. Volume 64, Pages 263-269. 1999
- "The Hausman Test, and Some Alternatives, with Heteroskedastic Data." Advances in Econometrics Conference, Advances in Econometrics, Baton Rouge, LA. 2012
- "Tutorial session: Controlling for Self-Selection." Annual Conference of the Eastern Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, Boston, MA. 2012
- "CEO Compensation: A test of survey evidence on fairness concepts." Western Economic Association International, Western Economic Association International, San Diego, CA. 2023
- "Does CEO Pay Keep Up with the Joneses? A Test of the KUJ Theory." MMM Finance Conference, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. 2019
- "Does CEO pay keep up with the Joneses?." Financial Management Association, Financial Management Association, San Diego, CA. 2018
- "Explaining International Housing Prices: Measuring the Impact of Monetary Policy, Current Account Deficits and Credit Standards." Annual International Meeting, Amercian Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Amsterdam. 2017
- "International housing price dynamics: Monetary policy, current account deficits, and credit standards." European Financial Management Association, European Financial Management Association, Athens, Greece. 2017
- "International housing price dynamics: Monetary policy, current account deficits, and credit standards." American Real Estate Society, American Real Estate Society, Coronado, CA. 2017
- "The effect of private information on selection and outcomes: Interpreting the Heckman estimator." Financial Management Association, Financial Management Association, Las Vegas, NV. 2016
- "The effects of work hours on physical and mental health." American Society of Health Economists, American Society of Health Economists, Philadelphia, PA. 2016
- "Monetary policy, current account deficits, credit standards, and housing prices." American Real Estate Society, American Real Estate Society, Denver, CO. 2016
- "Private information and limitations of Heckman's estimator in banking and corporate finance research." Eastern Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, Baltimore, MD. 2016
- "Monetary policy, current account deficits, credit standards, and housing prices." Midwest Finance Association, Midwest Finance Association, Atlanta, GA. 2016
- "Price pass-through in U.S. gasoline markets." Association for University Business and Economic Research Conference, Association for University Business and Economic Research, Orlando, FL. 2015
- "Segmentation and economies of scale among state-sponsored defined contribution retirement plans." Academy of Business Research Conference, Academy of Business Research, New Orleans, LA. 2015
- "The effect of private information on selection and outcomes: A Monte Carlo examination." World Finance Conference, World Finance Conference, Venice, Italy. 2014
- "The effect of private information on selection and outcomes: A Monte Carlo examination." Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association, Midwest Finance Association, Orlando, FL. 2014
- "The effect of private information on selection and outcomes: A Monte Carlo examination." Annual Conference of the Financial Management Association, Financial Management Association, Chicago, IL. 2013
- "Inequality restricted maximum entropy estimation using Stata." Stata Conference, Stata, New Orleans, LA. 2013
- "The impact of monetary policy and mortgage standards on aggregate housing prices." American Real Estate Society Annual Conference, American Real Estate Society, Kohala Coast, HI. 2013
- "The impact of monetary policy and mortgage standards on aggregate housing prices." Association of Private Enterprise Education Annual Conference, Association of Private Enterprise, Maui, HI. 2013
- "Determinants of REITs Credit Ratings." Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association, Atlanta, GA. 2012
- "The Influence of Individual Health Outcomes on Individual Savings Behavior." Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Western Economic Association, San Francisco, CA. 2012
- "Determinants of REITs Credit Ratings." American Real Estate Society Annual Meetings, American Real Estate Society, St. Petersburg, FL. 2012
- "The Effect of Private Information on Selection and Outcomes: A Monte Carlo Examination." Annual Conference of the Eastern Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, Boston, MA. 2012
- "A History of the Advances in Econometrics Series." Advances in Econometrics Conference, Advances in Econometrics, Baton Rouge, LA. 2012
- "The Effect of Private Information on Selection and Outcomes: A Monte Carlo Analysis." Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association, Denver, CO. 2011
- "Life Expectancy: Are Men Catching Up or Women Falling Behind?." Western Economic Assication Annual Conference, Western Economic Association, Portland, OR. 2010
- "Evaluation of Financial Fitness for Life Program and Future Outlook in the Mississippi Delta." American Economic Association, Council for Economic Education, Atlanta, GA. 2010
- "Segmentation and Economies of Scale Among State Sponsored Defined Contribution Retirement Plans." Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association, Reno, Nevada. 2009
- "Life expectancy: Are Men Catching Up or Women Falling Behind?." Missouri Valley Economics Association Annual Meeting, Missouri Valley Economics Association, Kansas City, Missouri. 2009
- "Sub-Saharan African Agriculture." Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Western Economic Association, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2009
- "College Major Choice of Student Athletes." The Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC. 2008
- "Does DTC Advertsing Raise the Price of Sleeping Pills? The Impact of Pharmaceutical Advertising on Price Sensitivity." The American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, American Academy of Advertising, San Mateo, CA. 2008
- "Grade Equivalency and Transfer of Community College Credits in the Principles of Economics." The Southern Economic Association Annual Meetings, The Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, LA. 2007
- "Teacher Training and Market Attitudes in Transitioning Economies." National Association of Economic Educators Meetings, National Association of Economic Educators, New York, NY. 2006
- "Efficient Financial Aid Allocation." Economics Department, Economics Club, and Omicron Delta Epsilon, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. 2006
- "Efficient Frontier Estimation: A Maximum Entropy Approach." 2nd Conference on Information and Entropy Econometrics, , Washington, DC. 2005
- "Cost Estimates for Multiple Pollutants: A Maximum Entropy Approach." Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, Western Economic Association International, . 2004
- "The Transition to Market-Based Economic Education: Evaluating Program Effectiveness in Kazakhstan." The Southern Economic Association Annual Meetings, Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, LA. 2004
- "Imposing parameter inequality restrictions using the principle of maximum entropy." Annual Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group, Midwest Econometrics Group, Columbia, MO. 2003
- "Estimating demand for new products using a discrete price variable." Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Western Economic Association, Denver, CO. 2003
- "A Monte Carlo study of the effect of design characteristics on the inequality restricted maximum entropy estimator." Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, LA. 2002
- "Postsample forecasting using maximum entropy with inequality parameter restrictions." Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC. 2000
- "Estimating telecommunications choice models when the dependent variable is a count." International Communications Forecasting Conference, International Communications, Seattle, WA. 2000
- "College Students' Knowledge and Perceptions of Optimizing Workouts Through Nutrition." Mississippi Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Mississippi Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Jackson, MS. 2018