Shawn Mauldin PhD, CPA, CMA, CFP®Emeritus
- Director and Adkerson Professor of Accountancy, Professor, Richard C. Adkerson School of Accountancy
Shawn Mauldin is the director of the Adkerson School of Accountancy and professor of accounting at Mississippi State University. He received his BS and MBA degrees from Nicholls State University and his PhD from the University of Mississippi. He is a licensed CPA in Mississippi and holds the CMA, CFP, and CGMA designations. Prior to Mississippi State, he served as dean of the College of Business and chair of the Department of Accounting at Nicholls State University where he held the Cenac Chair in Accounting. He was named Dean Emeritus in 2024. Mauldin received the Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education Award from the Society of Louisiana CPAs (LCPA) in 2006. He served on the LCPA’s board, as president in 2012, and chaired the Accounting Education Issues Committee. Mauldin currently chairs the Awards, Education, and Scholarship Committee for the Mississippi Society of CPAs. He is actively involved in the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and has chaired business and accounting review teams for the past 20 years. His research focuses on behavioral and pedagogical accounting research and has published and presented over 100 academic and practitioner articles. Mauldin, and his wife Becky, reside in Starkville, MS. They have one daughter, Kandace, who is also a CPA and is the CFO for Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government.
- Ph.D., Accounting, University of Mississippi, 1997
- M.B.A., Business, Nicholls State University, 1987
- B.S., Accounting, Nicholls State University, 1978
Journal Article
- The Impact of the CPA Evolution on Students’ Interest in Earning a CPA License and Working in Public Accounting. Issues in Accounting Education. Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 45-58. 2024
- Options for Meeting the 150-hour Requirement to Maximize Students' Demand as Public Accounting Recruits. Accounting Educators Journal. Volume 32, Pages 161-188. 2022
- The Potential Impact of State and Local Pensions on Social Security Benefits. Oil, Gas, and Energy Quarterly. Volume 71, Issue No. 2, Pages 301-310. 2022
- Online Cheating at the Intersection of the Dark Triad and Fraud Diamond. Journal of Accounting Education. Volume 57, Pages 1-20. 2021
- Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Whistleblower’s Dilemma. Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting. Volume Vol. 24, Pages 73-101. 2021
- Accounting Graduates with Both Online and Traditional Coursework: Impact on Hiring Decisions. Accounting Education. Volume 29, Issue #4, Pages 340-355. 2020
- Relilience as a Mitigating Factor in a Model of Accounting Student Departure Intentions. Accounting Education. Volume 29, Issue #1, Pages 77-108. 2020
- Accounting Department Head: The Road Less Traveled. Advances in Accounting Education. Pages 29-45. 2019
- An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale-10 (CD-RiSC10) Among Accounting and Business Students. Journal of Accounting Education. Pages 48-62. 2019
- CPAs' Evaluations of Accounting Graduates: An Empirical Investigation of Face-to-Face and Online Degrees. . 2018
- Proactive Personality, Core Self-evaluations, and Engagement: The Role of Negative Emotion. Management Decision. Issue 55, Page 13. 2017
- The Marketability of Options for Meeting the 150-Hour Requirement: An Empirical Analysis of Public Accounting Firm Recruiting Intentions. Issues In Accounting Education. Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 537-553. 2013
- Providing Investment Advice to Clients: An Overview for CPAs. Journal of Business Issues. Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 67-73. 2013
- From Practice to the Classroom. Journal of Accountancy. Volume 214, Issue 4, Pages 40-47. 2012
- Deans' Perceptions of AACSB Endorsed Post-Doctoral Bridge Programs. Journal of Education for Business. Volume 86, Issue 5, Pages 279-293. 2011
- Employee vs. Contractor: Controversial Battlegrounds, the Courts Rule. Journal Business and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 120-131. 2011
- A comparison of Retirement Plan Benefits in Higher Education: States Participating in Social Security Versus Nonparticipating States. Journal of Business Issues. Volume 1, Pages 53-66. 2011
- Tax Incentives of Going Green. The CPA Journal. Volume LXXX, Issue 11, Pages 18-24. 2010
- Financial Planning for the Client in Higher Education: An Analysis of Optional Retirement Plan Contribution Rates in Higher Education. Journal of Retirement Planning. 2010
- CPAs Beware: Disclosure or Use of Taxpayer Information Requirements Under IRC Section 7216. The CPA Journal. Volume 80, Issue 7, Pages 44-49. 2010
- A Comparison of Defined Benefit and Optional Retirement Plan Rates of Return in Higher Education. Journal of Retirement Planning. Pages 21-29. 2010
- Ethics Education in Accounting Curricula: Does it Influence Recruiters’ Hiring Decisions of Entry-Level Accountants?. Journal of Education for Business. Volume 85, Issue 1, Pages 1-6. 2010
- Advising the Participant Regarding Double Dipping and Social Security. Journal of Retirement Planning. Pages 23-31. 2009
- Dual Entitlement Provision: The Impact on Social Security Retirement Benefits. Today's CPA Journal. Volume 35, Issue 5, Page 5. 2008
- AACSB International Accounting Accreditation: Benefits and Challenges. The Accounting Educators’ Journal. Volume XVII. 2007
- HSAs: A Healthy Choice for Businesses. Journal of Business Issues. Volume 11, Page 7. 2006
- Does Student Work Experience Affect CPA Firm Recruiting Decisions?'. Accounting Educators Journal. Volume 16, Pages 41-51. 2006
- Health Savings Accounts: The New Benefits Plan. The CPA Journal. Volume LXXVI, Issue 8. 2006
- Specialty Designations: Missed Opportunies or Fragmenting the Profession. The CPA Journal. Issue June 2006, Page 13. 2006
- A History of the Development of the AICPA's Specialty Designation Program. The CPA Journal. Issue January 2006, Pages 64-67. 2006
- Career Awareness, Perceptions, and Attitudes in Accounting Principles Clases: One School's Experience. Journal of Business and Training Education. Volume 14. 2005
- Student Perception of the Accounting Profession. The Journal of Accounting and Finance Research. Volume 12, Issue 3. 2004
- The 150-Hour Education Requirement: Revisiting the Public Choice vs. Public Interest Debate. The Journal of Accounting and Finance Research. Volume 11, Issue 2. 2003
- "A Comparison of Retirement Plan Benefits in Higher Education." NSU Research Week, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA. 2011
- "A Comparison of Retirement Plan Benefits in Higher Education: States Participating in Social Security versus Nonparticipating States." Southwestern Society of Economists, Federation of Business Disciplines, Houston, TX. 2011
- "CPA Beware: Disclosure/Use of Taxpayer Information Requirements Under IRC Section 7216." National AAA, American Accounting Association, . 2010
- "Financial Planning for the Client in Higher Education." NSU Research Week, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA. 2010
- "A Comparison of Defined Benefit and Optional Retirement Plan Rates of Return in Higher Education." Global Conference on Business and Finance, , Honolulu, Hawaii (E Presentation). 2010
- "Post-Doctoral Bridge to Accounting Programs: Accounting Chair Perceptions." 2009 Annual Meeting, Academy of Accounting, Finance and Economics, New Orleans. 2009
- "Defined Benefit Versus ORP Rates of Return in Higher Education." NSU Research Week, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA. 2009
- "A Bridge over Troubled Waters: Dean's Receptions of Post-Doctoral Bridge Programs." 2008 Annual Meeting, Academy of Accounting, Finance and Economics, New Orleans, LA. 2008
- "The Impact of the Windfall Elimination and The Government Pension Offset in Retirement Planning." Academy of Financial Services, Academy of Financial Services, Boston, MA. 2008
- "A Discussion with Barry Melancon, CEO, AICPA." National American Accounting Association, American Accounting Association, . 2008
- "A Preliminary Study of Optional Retirement Plan Contribution Rates in Higher Education." Southwest Finance Accociation, FBD, Houston, TX. 2008
- "HSAs: A Healthy Choice for Businesses." Southwest American Accounting Association, American Accounting Association, Oklahoma City, OK. 2006
- "Investigating the Financial Stake Implication Implicit in SOX 201 Restriction on Nonaudit Services." The Institute for Global Business Research Spring Conference, , April 24-26, 2019. , , New Orleans, Louisiana. 2019
Oral Presentation
- "Accounting Department Head: The Road Less Traveled.." National AAA Meeting, AAA, Washington, D.C.. 2018
- "Impact at Small and Mid-sized Universities: Identification, Measurement and Communication." SBAA Conference, SBAA, Nashville. 2018
- "Darned if You Do. Damned if You Don't: The Whistleblower's Dilemma." Annual Conference, American Accounting Association, San Diego, CA. 2017
- "An Analysis of Recent Data on the Progressivity of the U.S. Federal Tax System." Academy of Business Research, , New Orleans, LA . 2015
- "An Analysis of Recent Data on the Progressivity of the U.S. Federal Tax System." COB Research Week Presentations, NSU, . 2015
- "Employee vs. Contractor: Controversial Battlegrounds, the Courts Rule." ASBBS 16th Annual Conference, , Las Vegas, NV. 2009
- "An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale-10 (CD-RiSC10) Among Accounting and Business Students." Annual AAA, , San Francisco . 2019
- "Resilience as a Mitigating Factor in the Departure Intentions Among Accounting Students." Annual AAA, , . 2019
- "Investigating the Financial State Implicatoin Implicit in SOX 201 Restriction of Non-Audit Services." Institute for Global Business Research, , . 2019
- "Accounting Graduates with Online and Face-to-Face Coursework: Impact on Hiring Decisions." National AAA, AAA , Washington, D.C. . 2018
- "Face-to-Face and Online Degrees from Traditional and Online Universities: An Empirical Investigation of CPAs’ Recruiting Evaluations." AAA, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. 2014
- ""CPAs' Evaluations of Accounting Graduates: Will Online Trends Meet Practitioners' Expectations?"." 9th Annual Research Week, Nicholls State University, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana. 2014
- "Options for Meeting the 150-Hour Requirement: An Empirical Analysis of Recruiter Intentions." National AAA, American Accounting Association, Washington, DC. 2012
- "The Marketability of Students for Entry-Level Public Accounting Positions: Recruiters' Valuation of Alternative Paths to Meet the 150-Hour Requirement." SWAAA, American Accounting Association, Denver, CO. 2012
- "Advising Clients on Investing in Turbulent Times." Southwestern Society of Economists, Federation of Business Disciplines, New Orleans, LA. 2012
- "So, You Want to Teach? A Practical Guide for CPAs Interested in College Instruction." National AAA, American Accounting Association, Denver, CO. 2011