MSU Risk Management and Insurance welcomes Risk Manager in Residence, Mr. Michael Phillipus, ARM, on February 6 and 7.
Michael Phillipus is Director of Risk Management for Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Oxy). Oxy is an international oil and gas exploration and production company with operations in the United States, the Middle East region, and Latin America. Oxy subsidiary, OxyChem, is a major North American chemical manufacturer.
Phillipus is president and director of Opcal Insurance, Inc., Oxy's captive insurance company subsidiary. He is Treasurer of Occidental Chemical Corporation and Assistant Treasurer of several other Oxy subsidiaries.
Schedule of Events:
Class on Wednesday, February 6:
-9:00-9:50 am; Personal Money Management, McCool 116, 50 students, all majors/classifications
-10:00-10:50 am; Principles of Insurance, McCool 232, 70 students, Junior/Senior level, Finance RMI and General Business students
-11:00-11:50 am; Property and Casualty, McCool 225, 25 students, Junior/Senior level, Finance RMI and General Business students
-Lunch; industry, local insurance agents and MSU faculty, students and staff
-2:00-3:15 pm; Enterprise Risk Management, McCool 225, 30 students, Senior level, Finance RMI students
-6:00 pm; student dinner/GIS
Class on Thursday, February 7:
8:00-9:15 am; Combined Life Insurance and Property/Casualty Classes, McCool 232, 75 students, Finance RMI and General Business students
**All students are welcome to sit in the classes, but there are limited spots for the lunch and dinner. If a student is interested in attending the lunch or dinner, please contact Martha Galloway at or Tammi Metz at to confirm a spot.