The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), creates better workplaces where employers and employees thrive together. As the trusted authority on all things work, SHRM is the foremost expert, researcher, advocate, and thought leader on issues and innovations impacting today’s evolving workplaces. With nearly 340,000 members in 180 countries, SHRM touches the lives of more than 362 million workers and their families globally.
Mississippi State University's Management program is recognized as an Academically Aligned Program by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM. SHRM Academic Alignment Program participants are recognized as SHRM academic partners and as such, are seen as a top choice for students seeking a career in Human Resources. Students enrolled in a SHRM HR aligned program are provided with the opportunity to earn their SHRM-CP credential prior to graduating, providing them with a competitive advantage in the job market.

The 2024 Certification Application Window is NOW open!
Students can apply and remit the fee to take the SHRM-CP certification exam now until November 9, 2024, and test anytime between December 1, 2024 – February 15, 2025. Interested students can take advantage of student pricing: $149 for SHRM student members and $209 for nonmembers. Eligible students should complete the application process. Doing so provides your students ample time to create a profile and submit the application and exam fee. See the SHRM Certification Handbook for more information.