
Economics is the scientific study of how people and institutions make choices concerning the use of society’s scarce resources. It is a broad social science that shares common interests with both the behavioral sciences (i.e. sociology and psychology) and the decision sciences (i.e. finance and management). The importance of economic analysis is recognized by being the only social science in which a Nobel Prize is awarded. Economics students receive training in the methods and uses of economic analysis as applied to households, businesses, and governments.

Career Opportunities

An economics major or minor helps prepare the student for graduate professional training in business, public administration and law. The flexibility of the economics major is reflected in relatively high starting salaries and lifetime earnings of economists. Undergraduates at Mississippi State University may pursue an economics major through either the College of Business (BBA degree) or through the College of Arts and Sciences (BA degree) as described in the Mississippi State Academic Catalog.

Economics Career Opportunities

  • Business Consulting
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Market Research
  • Investment Counseling
  • Economic Analysis
  • Business Law
  • Attorney

Economics Major

Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Economics are required to complete all College of Arts & Sciences core and University general education requirements. Majors must also complete the program of study on this page, including 12 hours of advanced electives. Elective courses should be chosen with the advisor’s approval and used to enhance the student’s overall program. Although not required, economics majors may elect to pursue a minor in another discipline with the advisor’s approval. Only grades of C or higher will be accepted for EC courses that are counted toward the major.

(BBA) Economics Major Course Curriculum  (BBA) Economics Major Flowchart

(BA) Economics Major Course Curriculum  (BA) Economics Major Flowchart

Economics Minor

A minor in Economics is attained by selecting, in consultation with the economics minor advisor, at least 15 hours of economics course work. Three hours of courses from finance (FIN) or agricultural economics (AEC) may be applied to the economics minor with approval from the advisor. All economics minors must register with the economics minor advisor in the Department of Finance and Economics, 312 McCool Hall. Students with majors in business, engineering, agriculture, the social sciences, mathematics, and pre-law are especially encouraged to consider the Economics minor. Only grades of C or higher will be accepted for courses to count toward the minor.

Economics Minor Course Curriculum

Economics Student Organizations

Beta Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma is an honorary organization available only through Colleges of Business that are accredited through the International Association for Management Education. The main goal of the organization is for faculty to honor students with the highest academic achievements.

Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest honor a student of business can receive — the business equivalent of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa. Only the top 10 percent of the junior and senior class and 20 percent of the master’s students are selected for membership.

  • Corporate recruiters actively seek individuals who have attained membership in Beta Gamma Sigma. Long after graduation, membership will enhance career development.
  • Programs such as the BetaLink On-Line Community and the Alumni Network offer alumni opportunities to stay connected and benefit from their commitment to academic excellence.

College of Business Ambassadors

The College of Business Student Ambassador program provides our business students the opportunity to become leaders through a variety of ambassador activities each year. The organization comprises some of our best and brightest business students at Mississippi State University. The student ambassadors volunteer their time to promote the College of Business and the university. They help coordinate special events, recruit prospective students, meet and greet parents, and visit with our business alumni.

The purpose of our student ambassador program is to promote the College of Business through several different avenues such as recruiting, events, and networking with alumni. The organization also serves to be the voice of the College of Business student body. As representatives of the college, our ambassadors demonstrate a thorough knowledge of our business majors, faculty, and university traditions.


Economics Club (Econ Club)

The Econ Club sponsors a number of social and academic events during each semester. These events are often centered on presentations by guest speakers from on and off campus. Our guests discuss important current economic events and issues and relate textbook economics to the real world. Topics of recent Econ Club symposiums include "The Global Economy," "Adventures South of the Border - The Mexican Economy," "Yankee Economics," "The Economics of Trick-or-Treat," and "The Uruguay Round Debate." The Econ Club is also known for the great food we serve at our social hours following the presentations. In addition to hosting our regular symposiums, the Econ Club is active in promoting the economics curriculum and major here at MSU. We are involved in designing and distributing recruiting materials and brochures.

MSU Undergraduate Women In Business (UWIB)

Mississippi State's Undergraduate Women in Business (UWIB) is an organization that consists of young women within the College of Business that are willing and driven to take the necessary steps to ensure that each individual has the knowledge and confidence to take on the competitive workforce within Corporate America.

Omicron Delta Epsilon

Any Economics major or minor student who completes 12 credit hours of economics with at least a 3.0 GPA and has an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher is eligible for membership in Omicron Delta Epsilon, the international honor society in economics. The main objective of Omicron Delta Epsilon is to recognize students with the highest academic achievements in economics.