Master of Science in Information Systems

The Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) program at MSU prepares students to become information systems professionals who can successfully develop, acquire, and integrate information technology across levels and functions of a firm in the continually changing global business environment. The MSIS degree equips students with critical technical skills, strengthens communication skills, enhances understanding of business functions/operations, and helps develop students' understanding of the link between organizations and information technology.

Program Structure

All students are required to take a set of business courses, or prerequisites, before taking their core courses. Students must complete the set of basic business courses listed below, or submit transcripts from other schools that carry equivalent courses with a grade of "B" or better. We offer survey courses online in place of many undergraduate prerequisites, designed for non-business undergraduates. 

If you would like a pre-application evaluation of your transcript and prerequisites, you can email your transcript to Angelia Knight in the Graduate Programs in Business Office. Please note that a pre-application evaluation does not imply acceptance into the program. 

Electives can be selected from other graduate-level courses.

Prerequisite Course Codes & Titles

Course Code


ACC 2013 or ACC 2023 Financial Accounting or Managerial Accounting
     or ACC 2203 Survey of Accounting
BQA 2113/ 3123 Business Statistical Methods I & II
     or BQA 8443 Statistical Analysis for Business Decision-Making
MGT 3113 Principles of Management (CLEP)
EC 2113 or EC 2123 Macroeconomics or Microeconomics
FIN 3123 Financial Management
MKT 3013 Principles of Marketing
Programming I Computer Programming
Programming II (See Electives Section)


  • 15 credit hours of required courses

  • 12-15 hours of electives

  • Students who already have six (6) or more hours of programming may take 15 hours of electives. Students with only three (3) hours of programming are required to take an additional three (3) hours of graduate-level programming and 12 hours of electives. 

Required Courses

BIS 8113 Management Information Technology & Systems

Offered Fall Only

Three (3) hours lecture. Course includes the description, development, and use of systems from an analytical perspective. Technology-enabled concepts are used for student assignments. 

BIS 8213 Secure Systems Analysis & Design 

Offered Spring Only

(Prerequisite or co-requisite: BIS 8113 or any three (3) hours of computer-related coursework.) Three (3) hours lecture. Analysis/ design of secure computer-based information systems using structured methodologies. Emphasis on functional and security requirements analysis, business data analysis, logical systems design, quality assurance, and comprehensive information security management.

BIS 8313 Advanced Database Design Administration

Offered Fall Only

(Prerequisite: Three (3) hours of computer programming with a grade of "B" or better.) Three (3) hours lecture. Design and management of local and distributed data resources, database design, definition, creation, maintenance, acquisition, and analytical use. Role of Database Administrator. 

BIS 8413 Data Analytics

Offered Spring Only

(Prerequisite: BQA 8443 or equivalent.) Three (3) hours lecture. Enterprise approach to improving business processes and managerial decision-making through quantitatively sophisticated analysis of organizational data. Hands-on experience in analytical techniques, modeling, and software.

BIS 8753 Information Systems Collaborative Project

Offered Spring Only

(Prerequisites: Nine (9) hours of graduate BIS coursework beyond 8113.) Three (3) hours lecture. Capstone experience incorporating knowledge gained in prerequisite courses. Requires team participation using appropriate tools and methodologies in assisting organizations with real-world information systems-related requirements through business and data analysis. 

For more information, please visit the MSIS Catalog, or contact Dr. Alaa Nehme.