Risk Management & Insurance Program

The Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Finance and a concentration in Risk Management & Insurance (or any major with a minor in Insurance) offers students a broad study in the aforementioned subjects, with a particular emphasis on the insurance industry. Students enrolled in this concentration must complete an introductory course in Insurance, as well as advanced courses in Life and Health Insurance, Property and Casualty Insurance, and Enterprise Risk Management.

In good times and bad, the services of the insurance industry are vital to both individuals and the economy. With constant and rapid growth in the industry, experts predict the growth to continue—placing skilled employees in constant demand. Opportunities exist for those educated in risk management and insurance as well as those trained in related fields.

Insurance is a people-to-people industry. Primarily, insurance is people performing all kinds of services for other people, from explaining a policy, investigating a claim, or analyzing a risk. If you are looking for an exciting, enjoyable, fast-paced career serving and helping people, you should consider the opportunities in the fields of risk management and insurance.

Career Opportunities

  • Actuary
  • Claims Adjuster
  • Compliance Analyst
  • Financial Planner
  • Group Benefits Representative
  • Risk Analyst
  • Risk Management Consultant
  • Risk Management Strategic Project Manager
  • Senior Director of Risk Management
  • Underwriter
  • Insurance Agent

RMI Concentration Course Curriculum RMI Concentration Flowchart

Insurance Minor

A minor in Insurance is attained by selecting, in consultation with the finance minor advisor, at least 15 hours of risk management and insurance coursework. Please inform the RMI staff if you are pursuing the Insurance minor so that you will not miss out on all the networking and scholarship opportunities that the program has to offer.

The Insurance minor serves to enhance many existing business majors including accounting, business administration, business information systems, management and marketing. The minor also complements many non-business majors such as mathematics, statistics, communications and psychology. 

Insurance Minor Course Curriculum Insurance Minor Form

Insurance Day (I-Day)

Organized by the College of Business and its RMI program, Insurance Day (I-Day) is one of the South’s largest insurance conferences. For over 30 years, this continuing education program annually attracts hundreds of insurance and other professionals from all over the Southeast for sessions focused on current industry issues. I-Day attendees may earn up to 12 CE hours, including three hours in ethics. 

Insurance Day

Scholarship Opportunities

RMI students may qualify for more than 20 scholarships a year! For more information, contact Martha Galloway.

  • Carl Carver Endowed Scholarship
  • Clifford D. Dalton Memorial Endowed Scholarship
  • Clifford Dewitt Dalton Endowed Scholarship
  • CPCU Magnolia Chapter Scholarship
  • Dixie 1752 Scholarship
  • Frankie & Trish Box Endowed Scholarships
  • George B. Picket and James A. Wheeler Insurance Scholarship
  • Griffith Insurance Education Scholarship
  • James C. "Jimmy" Galloway Endowed Scholarship
  • Joe Hodges-State Farm Endowed Scholarship
  • Johnstone Educational Foundation Scholarship
  • Harold E. Lomenick Endowed Scholarship
  • Independent Insurance Agents of MS - Gulf Coast
  • Memphis RIMS Scholarship
  • Mississippi Claims Association Scholarship
  • Mississippi Insurance Education Foundation Scholarship
  • Mississippi Insurance Women's Scholarship
  • Richard G. Wiggers Endowed Scholarship
  • Robert Gray Marchetti Endowed Scholarship
  • Southern Farm Bureau Life Excellence Scholarships
  • WIlliam "Ted" French Endowed Scholarship

More Scholarship Opportunities

RMI Student Organizations

Beta Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma is an honorary organization available only through Colleges of Business that are accredited through the International Association for Management Education. The main goal of the organization is for faculty to honor students with the highest academic achievements.

Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest honor a student of business can receive — the business equivalent of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa. Only the top 10 percent of the junior and senior class and 20 percent of the master’s students are selected for membership.

  • Corporate recruiters actively seek individuals who have attained membership in Beta Gamma Sigma. Long after graduation, membership will enhance career development.
  • Programs such as the BetaLink On-Line Community and the Alumni Network offer alumni opportunities to stay connected and benefit from their commitment to academic excellence.

College of Business Ambassadors

The College of Business Student Ambassador program provides our business students the opportunity to become leaders through a variety of ambassador activities each year. The organization comprises some of our best and brightest business students at Mississippi State University. The student ambassadors volunteer their time to promote the College of Business and the university. They help coordinate special events, recruit prospective students, meet and greet parents, and visit with our business alumni.

The purpose of our student ambassador program is to promote the College of Business through several different avenues such as recruiting, events, and networking with alumni. The organization also serves to be the voice of the College of Business student body. As representatives of the college, our ambassadors demonstrate a thorough knowledge of our business majors, faculty, and university traditions.


Gamma Iota Sigma

Gamma Iota Sigma, the International Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science Collegiate Fraternity, enhances our students’ academic background by focusing on career preparation. GIS routinely hosts career fairs, student trips, and networking opportunities in the industry while also giving back to the community with various service projects. In addition, GIS advisors helps organize internship, mentorship and scholarship opportunities.


MSU Undergraduate Women In Business (UWIB)

Mississippi State's Undergraduate Women in Business (UWIB) is an organization that consists of young women within the College of Business that are willing and driven to take the necessary steps to ensure that each individual has the knowledge and confidence to take on the competitive workforce within Corporate America.