
The Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Marketing prepares students for a career in marketing by providing them with an in-depth understanding of why customer buy certain products and services and how to effectively retain customers. Students will also learn how to improve sales, conduct market research, and develop promotional techniques to communicate with customers.

Marketing pertains to all activities involved in understanding consumer needs, developing products and services that satisfy those needs, and then communicating product benefits and availability in order to stimulate demand. Marketers are creative in solving problems and have a good understanding of the relationship between value and cost. They also have excellent communication skills and are persuasive in recommending the right course of action.

Career Opportunities

  • Advertising Manager
  • Branding Specialist
  • Marketing Consultant
  • E-Commerce Market Specialist
  • Event Planner
  • Internet Marketing Manager
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Media Director
  • Merchandising Manager
  • Promotions Coordinator
  • Sales Manager
  • Social Media Specialist

Marketing Major Course Curriculum  Marketing Major Flowchart

Marketing Minor

A minor in marketing requires six courses (18 hours) of study, of which two are required courses (MKT 3013 Principles of Marketing and MKT 4413 Consumer Behavior) and four are electives. Electives may be chosen from among all marketing and transportation courses offered by the department. The curriculum is designed for flexibility so that students obtain a broad background in marketing that can be customized to augment their preparation for a variety of careers. The marketing minor is especially helpful for students with science, engineering or communications majors who desire to pursue careers involving technology transfer or sales. All students minoring in a business discipline must register with the College of Business Academic Advising Center on the first floor of McCool Hall.

Marketing Minor Course Curriculum

Marketing Student Organizations

American Marketing Association

The American Marketing Association (AMA) is the world's largest and most comprehensive professional society of marketers. The mission of the AMA is to urge and assist the personal and professional development of its members, and to advance the science and ethical practice of the marketing discipline. Each member of the AMA student chapter at MSU receives: nine issues (September - May) of "Marketing News"; access to the AMA on-line Job Bank; a free copy of the AMA Employment Kit; and exposure to marketing professionals in the group's regular meetings and activities.

Beta Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma is an honorary organization available only through Colleges of Business that are accredited through the International Association for Management Education. The main goal of the organization is for faculty to honor students with the highest academic achievements.

Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest honor a student of business can receive — the business equivalent of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa. Only the top 10 percent of the junior and senior class and 20 percent of the master’s students are selected for membership.

  • Corporate recruiters actively seek individuals who have attained membership in Beta Gamma Sigma. Long after graduation, membership will enhance career development.
  • Programs such as the BetaLink On-Line Community and the Alumni Network offer alumni opportunities to stay connected and benefit from their commitment to academic excellence.

College of Business Ambassadors

The College of Business Student Ambassador program provides our business students the opportunity to become leaders through a variety of ambassador activities each year. The organization comprises some of our best and brightest business students at Mississippi State University. The student ambassadors volunteer their time to promote the College of Business and the university. They help coordinate special events, recruit prospective students, meet and greet parents, and visit with our business alumni.

The purpose of our student ambassador program is to promote the College of Business through several different avenues such as recruiting, events, and networking with alumni. The organization also serves to be the voice of the College of Business student body. As representatives of the college, our ambassadors demonstrate a thorough knowledge of our business majors, faculty, and university traditions.


MSU Undergraduate Women In Business (UWIB)

Mississippi State's Undergraduate Women in Business (UWIB) is an organization that consists of young women within the College of Business that are willing and driven to take the necessary steps to ensure that each individual has the knowledge and confidence to take on the competitive workforce within Corporate America.